Goedhart Therapies

The Art of Hypnotherapy

Skee Goedhart is a certified hypnotherapist in Tarzana California. He utilizes hypnosis, Tai Chi, Qigong and other natural techniques to help you supercharge your life and achieve your personal goals. He specializes in eliminating phobias, pain and anxiety reduction, sports performance, raising creativity, self-confidence.

Theological Origins

The Nazarene Cipher: An illustrated guide to Jesus, Judaism and the roots of Christianity.

See below how to unlock the entire Nazarene Cipher portal!


156" x 72"
Acrylic and mixed media on wood
(2003 - 2010)

I created the Nazarene Cipher over the course of 7 years. It stands 13 feet high and 6 feet wide and features 186 illustrated panels. It was constructed using a number of unique materials including wood, Paper Mache, sculpted clay, costume jewelry, glass, stone, metal, pearls, animal hide, and gold leaf. The work is dimensional and juxtaposes flat, painted surfaces with raised, sculptural elements. Created in three sections, each one is carved from maple wood and slot together to hang as a single piece on the wall. Each section has a series of 12 x 12 cm wooden panels. Each panel has been meticulously hand painted using various media. The entire piece weighs a little over 110 lbs.

The Nazarene Cipher is one of the most comprehensive and profoundly unusual explorations of the Christian religion. There is simply nothing quite like it in existence. If someone with absolutely no background in Christianity wanted to understand what Christians believe then it’s is a wonderful way to get started. For those with advanced knowledge it’s a fascinating deep-dive into Christian theology, symbolism, Judaism and Typology.

Some Details From The Nazarene Cipher:

The Nazarene Cipher Portal

The full version of the Nazarene Cipher, featuring all the images, text, videos and commentary is available through this website for a one-time payment of $25.